The Legend of The Ice People – Challenge

  1. The Legend of The Ice People is a 47 book opus by the Norwegian writer Margit Sandemo. I read parts of it years ago, but never finished. The books were, for a long time, exclusivily blook club orders, and I never felt like engaging myself for 24 months (2 books/month).

But so it happens it showed up in the bookstores online, sold one by one, and when I later heard that one of my new neighbours had the entire collection – I couldn’t help to decide and read it again – the whole story this time!


The Legend of The Ice People was published between 1982 and 1989, an epic story following a family from the 1500s and all the way up to modern day (1900s). It follows The Ice People, a family cursed by one of their own as he admittedly sold himself to the devil. Ever since, one person from each generation is cursed with the evil heritage that holds supernatural powers, looks either hideous or deadly beautiful, and more often than not… an evil mind.

My goal is to finish the entire series of 47 books before the end of 2013. The books themselves are not very long, nor complicated reading, and if one has the time – you might finish a book in no more than 4 hours… but it is always good to take plenty of time, especially when you are to follow one story for so long.

Unfortunately, as of today, the series is not available in English translation – which is a shame! – there is; however, a small press in the U.K. that has been trying to get them translated – though the project is currently on hold after only six books were published. You can find out more on this website:


These are the books (Swedish Titles):

  1. Trollbunden (Spellbound)
  2. Häxjakten (Witch-Hunt)
  3. Avgrunden (Depths of Darkness)
  4. Längtan (Yearning)
  5. Dödssynden (Mortal Sin)
  6. Det Onda Arvet (Evil Inheritance)
  7. Spökslottet
  8. Bödelns dotter
  9. Den ensamme
  10. Vinterstorm
  11. Blodshämnd
  12. Feber i blodet
  13. Satans fotspår
  14. Den siste riddaren
  15. Vinden från öster
  16. Galgdockan
  17. Dödens trädgård
  18. Bakom fasaden
  19. Drakens tänder
  20. Korpens vingar
  21. Vargtimmen
  22. Demonen och jungfrun
  23. Våroffer
  24. Djupt i jorden
  25. Ängel med dolda horn
  26. Huse i Eldafjord
  27. Synden har lång svans
  28. Is och Eld
  29. Lucifers kärlek
  30. Människadjuret
  31. Färjkarlen
  32. Hunger
  33. Nattens demon
  34. Kvinnan på stranden
  35. Vandring i mörkret
  36. Trollmåne
  37. Stad i skräck
  38. Små män kastar långa skuggor
  39. Rop av stumma röster
  40. Fångad av tiden
  41. Demonernas fjäll
  42. Lugnet före stormen
  43. En glimt av ömhet
  44. Den onda dagen
  45. Legenden om Marco
  46. Det svarta vattnet
  47. Är det någon där ute?
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